Common Names:- Small fleabane

Synonyms:- Inula pulicaria.

Meaning:- Pulicaria (L) Fleabane (for a plant that wards off fleas).
                  Vulgaris (L) Vulgar, common.
General description:- Annual, more or less hairy, often with glandular hairs.

1) 7-30(-45) cm, greenish or brownish, pubescent; branches erecto-patent, 
    overtopping the main stem.

1) Basal, oblanceolate, petiolate, withered at anthesis.
2) Middle and upper,lanceolate to elliptical, gradually narrowed to the
    semiamplexicaul but not auriculate base, soft and usually undulate.

1) Capitula, usually numerous, 0.8-1 cm diam, hemispherical, peduncles up to c.
    1.5 cm, scarcely thickened after anthesis, usually with several bracts.
2) Involucral bracts, linear to linear-lanceolate, villous and glandular.
    a) inner, with a setaceous apex.
3) Ligules about equalling the involucre, erect.

1) Achene c. 1·5 mm, with sparse, appressed hairs.
2) Pappus of scales, connate for at least 1/2 their length.

Key features:-
1) Pappus with 8-10 hairs, the surrounding scales connate for at least 1/2 their 
2) Leaves lanceolate to elliptical, soft, usually undulate.
3) Hairs on achenes appressed.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Seasonally wet, sandy and loamy places by streams and vernal pools,
mostly in coastal areas, but occasionally to 850 m.

Distribution:- Scattered in Greece, mostly in the north. - A widespread Euro-
Siberian species, northwards to S Scandinavia, throughout temperate Asia. Rare on
Crete currently known from only one location near the Lasithi plateau.

Flowering time:- June-Aug.

Photos by:- Courtesy of Wiki-Commons